Volunteer Leadership


The Athens Zen Group is managed collectively by group members, who volunteer to lead Dharma discussions, serve as doan, teach a Newcomers’ Training, or serve on the planning group. If you’re interested in volunteering, see the descriptions below and sign up for a date using the googledoc connected to the Athens Zen Group listserv. We also hold trainings for Doan and Newcomers Orientation periodically.

Sitting space at Kenney Ridge, Athens, GA

Service Setup

The easiest way to volunteer at AZG is simply to show up early to the weekly service or an outdoor sit or retreat, and help set up. Or stay a few minutes after and help put things away again. You can also make and serve tea during the break between formal practice and the dharma discussion.

Dharma Discussion

The Athens Zen Group relies on its members to lead the weekly discussion of the dharma, the vast collection of Buddhist teachings and traditions from centuries ago up through today. Typically, the discussion leader will begin by reading a text — which could be the work of an ancient Zen master, or writing by a contemporary priest or monk or other prominent Zen practitioner, or a poem, or just about anything else relevant to Zen practice — leaving time for group discussion. Other times, a discussion leader might introduce a koan, or conduct an exercise in Zen thought. Sometimes the group discusses longer texts over the course of several weeks. The group sits in a circle and members “bow in” when they have something to say and “bow out” when they’re done.


Group members who enjoy writing can contribute to our blog space. We welcome book reviews, articles about Zen practice, haiku, personal narrative, and just about anything else that conforms with the bodhisattva vow to help each other “wake up” to who we are.

Doan Duties

The doan (DOE-ahn) is the conductor of the service. The doan’s bells, woodblocks, chants, and instructions coordinate the sanga’s formal practice. You can learn more from our instructional videos.

The doan may or may not be responsible for setting things up and putting them away again, but if you ever want to know who to go to about anything regarding the service, you can always ask the doan. Sangha members who arrive early or have time to stay after the service will pitch in to prepare the zendo and to store things away so other groups can use the space.

Newcomers Orientation

Every month, AZG holds newcomer orientation sessions to introduce new arrivals to how our services work and, if folks are new to Zen, the basics of Buddhism and Zen practice.

Athens Zen Planning Group

The Planning Group is composed of volunteers and any sangha member who would like to join is welcome.  

The Planning Group’s historic purpose has been “to facilitate opportunities to deepen individual practice for Athens Zen Group participants.” The Planning Group also explores various aspects of ensuring that the Athens Zen Group is sustainable by answering “How can we better share/distribute responsibilities of the Athens Zen Group?”


"Do not miss the opportunity of offering even a single drop into the ocean of merit."

- Dōgen