Weekly Meditations


Sunday Morning:

In-person at Work.Shop and remotely on Zoom

• Seated and walking meditation 8:30-10:00am

• Dharma discussion 10:00-10:50am

More details

Newcomers’ Session:

• 11:00–11:45am, 2nd Sundays

More details

Occasional Meditations


Garden Sit

• Seated meditation Sunday 9-10am

More details

Day-Long Meditation

• 8:30am–3:30pm

• Seated meditation, walking meditation, and yoga

• Potluck lunch

More details

Clothing & Equipment


Please wear clothes that are comfortable and loose-fitting, especially around the knees and waist. You will be sitting for half-hour periods, so be sure not to wear anything tight or restrictive. Wear socks (no shoes in the meditation area).

Simplicity is preferred. It is recommended that you not wear bright colors or anything with slogans or images.

Shoes are left in the vestibule and may not be worn into the zendo (sitting/walking area). Phones should be left at home or in your vehicle unless medically or otherwise necessary.

AZG has mats and cushions (zafus and zabutons) and seiza benches for you to sit on, but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer. We also have chairs for those who are unable to sit on the floor.



Please see our video resources for short video introductions that will orient you to the basic procedures for meditation sessions.

Volunteer Leadership


If you would like to lead a Dharma talk, or to help set up the zendo, then please consult the sign-up sheet on the Volunteer Leadership page.

Select the date and duty you would like to perform and then use the Contact form on this website to have your selection(s) added to this calendar. Many thanks.

Garden sit, Athens, GA, 2020

Zafus for garden sit, Georgia State Botanical Garden

Walking meditation, day retreat, 2020

Walking meditation, day retreat, Athens, GA

Shikantaza at Classic CIty Ballet

“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”

― Thích Nhất Hạnh