The Heart Sutra (a short translation)

Silhouette of hands against a rising sun, forming a heart shape

Look, form is no different from emptiness,
and emptiness none other than form.
Form itself is emptiness;
and emptiness, form.
Feelings, perceptions, thoughts,
and consciousness are so.

Look, all moments are empty.
They are neither created nor destroyed;
are neither tainted nor pure.
Neither perfect nor lacking,
they neither grow nor fade.

So in emptiness there is no form,
no feeling, no perception,
no thought, no consciousness;
no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue,
no body, and no mind;
no figure, no sound, no scent, no flavor,
no substance, and no experience;
no one who sees, and no one who thinks.

There is neither ignorance
nor end to ignorance;
neither old age and death
nor end to old age and death;
no suffering, no cause, no peace, no path;
no knowledge and no attainment.

With nothing to attain,
the awakened abide in unbounded wisdom;
and so the mind is unbound
and, being unbound, is unafraid.

To see clearly through delusion
is to awaken.
Awakening is wisdom. 

Gate, Gate,
Bodhi, Svaha!

Stylized drawing of a lotus flower


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